5 Things That Are Harder Than Getting Your Tax Done (that may be tax deductible)

Wednesday, 12th October 2016

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Here&rsquo;s 5 just off the top of our heads. 1. Untangling headphonesThis is the worst. How these inanimate objects manage to curl up on themselves the minute you look away is beyond us. It takes longer to untangle your headphones than it does to&nbsp;call ITP and book an appointment. Even better, if you work in the entertainment or audio industry, or do work that requires listening to or blocking out sound you might be able to claim tax deduction on these pesky little things too. Ask us how. 2. Binge-watching a whole TV&nbsp;seriesLying in bed watching episode after episode is still harder than a quick appointment with our friendly staff. And we promise we&rsquo;ll try to make it as entertaining as possible when you arrive. If you&rsquo;re paying TV subscription in your office chances are you might be able to claim tax on that too. 3.&nbsp;Counting the starsThough pretty, counting the stars can be time consuming. Why would you want to count things when you have accountants like us to do that anyway?&nbsp;But you can&rsquo;t claim tax on the stars, you might be thinking. Well, if you purchase and name a star through the Sydney Observatory your donation helps fund the organisation. And you know what that means &ndash; tax deductions. 4. Fun Runs&nbsp;Being out in the sun, supporting a team, going the distance, this is all much harder than getting your tax done. We should know, we&rsquo;ll be doing just that at&nbsp;Relay for Life&nbsp;this weekend. The other upside being charity donations above $2 are tax deductible. 5. Playing MonopolyWould you be surprised if we said we love Monopoly? A great game can take hours on end to see who will claim all the properties. But it&rsquo;s not just Monopoly, any board games, game consoles, you name it can be considered a work expense if you&rsquo;re an employer providing entertainment to your staff.&nbsp;Talk to us about making that another tax deduction on your return.