No Refund? No Fee! Seriously?

Tuesday, 13th August 2019

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You have probably been tossing up using the Government's MyTax app this year because, you know, well it's free and that mean's more money for you. Doesn't it? Not so fast. Whilst we can't hide the fact that MyTax is free to lodge, we find that most people doing their own tax miss out on deductions that they didn't even know they could claim. Throw in the increased risk of an audit by the ATO, and suddenly it&rsquo;s not sounding so great. So what does &lsquo;No Refund, No Fee&rsquo; really mean for you? It means no risk. If you aren&rsquo;t getting a refund to help pay for your preparation fee, then you won&rsquo;t pay any more than if you had done it yourself. It means help for those who need it most. We know this time of year can be tough, and if you&rsquo;ve got a tax bill, you could do with every little bit of help you can get. Finally, and most of all, it means you can have confidence. You&rsquo;ll have a professional in your corner fighting for every last cent you&rsquo;re entitled to. ITP Queensland and our No Refund No Fee promotion is about giving you a little break when the cards don&rsquo;t fall your way. We&rsquo;re proud to fight for all Queenslanders. All good things must come to an end however, and you&rsquo;ve only got until the 25th of August to take advantage of this offer, at any of our locations across Queensland (Toowoomba excluded). Search for your nearest office and book an appointment today. Don&rsquo;t forget to check out the full terms and conditions, and if you do have any questions please ask your consultant at your next appointment.